Covid-19 action plan
For us, the health of our workers and clients is our top priority.
Faced with the current health situation and the commercial repercussions that the pandemic is generating Covid.19We want from our company to inform you that we are strictly taking all the recommended measures to continue meeting the essential expectations of our customers and distributors, in accordance with the local and national standards and guidelines that are established.
All our team Abrastar It is undergoing routine control tests, making an effort and awareness to fulfill its role as corporate citizens to protect the health of all and limit the spread of the virus.
We have established teleworking and the distancing of non-contact work teams, among other important measures such as daily cleaning and disinfection of our facilities.
From Abrastar we want to transmit tranquility and unity in these difficult times that we will surely all overcome together.
Valentín Domínguez